We want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. We offer a 14-day refund period for purchases if less than 30% of total course material has been viewed (we use a database provider who provides accurate metrics regarding viewership of total course content). However, in order to qualify for a refund, you must submit proof that you did the work in the course and it did not work for you. Please note, if you select the 2 payment option we are not able to stop payments without a refund request being submitted. Refund requests within 24 hours of purchase may require additional verification in an effort to prevent piracy.

In the event that you decide your purchase was not the right decision, within 14 days of enrollment, contact our support team at [email protected] and let us know you’d like a refund by the 14th day. Refunds given only when requested by email, by a student who has purchased the course less than 14 days prior, and has viewed less than 30% of the modules in the course and has completed our "action based" refund plan. You must include your coursework with your request for a refund. If you request a refund and do not include your coursework by the 14th day, you will not be granted a refund. All refund requests require submission of the respective refund request form.

Whether or not you click on the COMPLETE & CONTINUE button, makes no difference. The rule applies once you access 30% of the modules in the course, whether or not you view the videos. Absolutely NO exceptions!

If you are outside the 14 day refund window, or you have viewed more than 30% of the course material you are NOT ELIGIBLE for a refund under any circumstances, NO EXCEPTIONS!